Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are U ready?

Peace B Upon U,

Let me first say that my heart goes out to the family of Brother Ali Khan from Washington, D.C. I sincerely pray that the community near and far will envelope the Khan family with peace, love, & compassion at this time. We pray that G-d's Everlasting Peace, Love, Mercy, & Compassion will be with the family now and always.

As I think and reflect, I am reminded of the funeral of my beloved Grandmother. What comforted me most the day of her funeral was the question posed by the minister conducting the service. He said, "Mattie Mae was ready. Are you ready?" As a rising senior in college, this question was unexpected and thought provoking for me at the time. It was a beautfiul reminder of the wonderful person that my grandmother is in her words and deeds. She is a beautiful, gentle, peaceful, loving spirit & soul. I speak in the present because the body dies, but the soul lives on. I pray that G-d grant her Mercy, Peace, & Forgiveness & entrance into the next paradise.

With the unexpected passing of a dear beloved brother in our community and the recent unexpected passing of my dear, beloved leader Imam W.D. Mohammed in 2008, I am sure that we are all left to ask ourselves, "Are we ready?" In a recent Arabic class, it was explained that when we offer Janazah prayers, we "stand" in honor of the works done by the deceased because "standing" represents establishment. Likewise, even though we may physically die and we cannot literally speak, our works/what we establish in the world should "stand" and "speak" for us.

Scripture says, "To the righteous soul will be said 'Oh soul in complete rest and satisfaction! Return to your Lord, pleased (with self) and pleasing to Him. Enter among my workers. Enter My Paradise.'" (The Glorious Qur'an 89:27-30)

So, I ask ... Are our souls already in a state of having returned to our Lord before our physical bodies perish and can no longer perform acts of service - before our physical bodies are no longer here to stand up for and establish something for humanity? Have we already entered among G-d's Workers? Have our prodcutive actions allowed us to enter into a state of Peace & Paradise in this life?

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