Saturday, February 18, 2012

"But for the Grace of G-d ..."

I've got something on my heart that I need to release. In my short life, I have learned that we hurt each other - with our words - our vain and idle talk, our gossip, our backbiting - constantly standing in judgement of one another. The human heart - it hurts. If you have a sincere and conscious heart, then correct, help, assist, and speak out with love and sincerity not enmity. G-d says, "Do you think you can say you believe and not be tested?" Rather than kick your brother or sister while they are down enduring the trials and tribulations that we all must one day come to endure, encourage him or her to "overcome obstacles with excellence."

My faith tradition tells me the best of us are are those who are of service, help, aid, assistance, and support to others - whether it be with a radiant smile, an uplifting and encouraging word, a kind heart, or a generous hand. Live and love in a space of ALWAYS being ready and able to show gratitude - being ready and able to re-pay your debt to G-d knowing ... but for the Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness & Protection of G-d, there go I ...

Just speaking from the heart and praying that my own words resonate within my own soul.

AMEEN - G'd is with those who Believe, have Faith and put their complete Trust in Him.

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